
09/03 Tuesday
Mineral Severance Tax
Surface Mining and Reclamation Fee
Timber Severance Tax
09/16 Monday
Declaration of Estimated Corporation Income - 3rd Payment
Declaration of Estimated Individual Income - 3rd Payment
Alcoholic Beverage Tax
09/20 Friday
Sales and Use Tax
Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications 911 Service Charge
Hotel Occupancy Tax
Ernest N. Morial New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority Food and Beverage Tax
Beer Tax
Tobacco Tax
Terminal Operator Monthly
Motor Fuel Transporter
Fuel Backup Tax
Transportation And Communication Tax - Monthly Return
Consumable Hemp Product Tax
Vapor Products Excise Tax
Special Fuels Tax
Therapeutic Marijuana Fee
09/23 Monday
Supplier/Permissive Supplier
09/30 Monday
Inspection and Supervision Fee
Mineral Severance Tax
Surface Mining and Reclamation Fee
Timber Severance Tax