Broker Registry

Public Registry of Motion Picture Investor Tax Credit Brokers

The 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature produced Act 451, which requires the creation of a Public Registry of Motion Picture Tax Credit Brokers. Under the newly enacted statute, R.S. 47:6007(C)(7), certain persons engaged in the sale or brokerage of motion picture investor tax credits must be deemed qualified to do so by undergoing a criminal background check and complying with all procedures necessary to be placed on the Public Registry of Motion Picture Tax Credit Brokers, which is listed below.

Public Registry of Motion Picture Tax Credit Brokers

Approval Date


Broker Company


Amy Rodrigue

Three Point Capital Louisiana


William Lay

The Online Incentives Exchange


William French

Film Production Capital


Brenda Bonaventure

Celtic Management Corporation


Allison Jackson

Film Production Capital


Courtney Roberts

Film Production Capital


John Bails

Film Production Capital


Stephen Roberts

Film Production Capital


Leonardo Barros

FBT Film


Leonard Alsfeld

FBT Film


Margaret Kaul

FBT Film


Judie Boxill

Tax Credit Resource


John W. Schwab


Christopher Mclaughlin

FBT Film


Danielle L. Pellegrin

Silver Screen Group


Robert Vosbein

Silver Screen Group

Failure to comply and register by any person subject to the requirements, of LAC 61:III.2701-Public Registry of Motion Picture Tax Credit Brokers, will render any brokerage, sale or transfer of motion picture investor tax credits by such persons inoperable and of no legal effect. As such, any such transfers shall be deemed ineligible for registration in the Louisiana Tax Credit Registry pursuant to R.S. 47:1524. In addition, criminal penalties will also be imposed.

See 61:III.2701, Public Registry of Motion Picture Investor Tax Credit Brokers, for the procedures which must be followed to become registered on the Public Registry of Motion Picture Investor Tax Credit Brokers. The requirements of R.S. 47:6007(C)(7) are not applicable to the entity which earns the motion picture investor tax credit but rather to certain persons engaged in the subsequent sale or brokerage of motion picture investor tax credits.

Form R-6130- Application for the Public Registry of Motion Picture Investor Tax Credit Brokers

For questions concerning this matter, please contact the Policy Services Division at (225) 219-2780. For questions concerning a broker’s registration, please contact the Tax Credit Registry at