Individual Income Tax - MeF

For electronic filing please the vendor helpdesk at 225-219-2488 or by email at

Electronic Filing, Individual Income Tax

Note: We are no longer supporting the legacy filing system.
2015 LA Individual Form 540 with Highlighted Changes FINAL (11/9/2015)
Electronic Filing Handbook DRAFT (10/24/2016)
Electronic Filing FAQ FINAL (10/13/11)
MeF Schemas (Prior Years)
R-8453OL 2015 Electronic Filing Declaration On-line (1/16) FINAL (12/29/15)
R-8453 2015 Electronic Filing Declaration (1/16) FINAL (12/29/15)
2015 LA Individual Income Schema (Version 1.0) DRAFT (1/28/2016)
2015 LA Individual Income Extension Schema (Version 1.0) DRAFT (11/17/2015)
2015 ATS Scenarios
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 1 DRAFT (11/23/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 2 DRAFT (11/23/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 3 DRAFT (11/23/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 4 DRAFT (12/1/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 5 DRAFT (12/1/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 6 DRAFT (11/23/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 7 DRAFT (11/23/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 8 DRAFT (11/23/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 9 DRAFT (12/1/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 10 DRAFT (12/1/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 11 DRAFT (11/23/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 12 DRAFT (12/1/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 13 DRAFT (1/12/2016)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 14 DRAFT (12/1/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 15 DRAFT (12/21/2015)
2015 LA Individual Income PATS Test Scenario 16 DRAFT (12/21/2015)

2012 Individual Income Tax - Printed Forms

IT-540 - 2012 Louisiana Resident Income Tax Return FINAL (11/7/12)
IT-540 - 2012 Louisiana Resident Income Tax Return Booklet FINAL (11/7/12)
IT-540 - 2012 Louisiana Resident Income Tax Return Worksheets FINAL (11/7/12)
IT-540B - 2012 Louisiana Nonresident Income Tax Return FINAL (11/7/12)
IT-540B - 2012 Louisiana Nonresident Income Tax Return Booklet FINAL (11/7/12)
IT-540B - 2012 Louisiana Nonresident Income Tax Return Worksheets FINAL (11/7/12)
IT-540BNRA - 2012 Louisiana Nonresident Professional Athlete Income Tax Return FINAL (11/7/12)
IT-540BNRA - 2012 Louisiana Nonresident Professional Athlete Income Tax Return with Instructions FINAL (11/7/12)
IT-540BNRA - 2012 Louisiana Nonresident Professional Athlete Income Tax Return Worksheets FINAL (11/7/12)

2011 Individual Income Tax - Printed Forms

IT-540 - 2011 Louisiana Resident Income Tax Return FINAL (12/31/11)
IT-540 - 2011 Louisiana Resident Income Tax Return Instructions FINAL (12/31/11)
IT-540B - 2011 Louisiana Nonresident Income Tax Return FINAL (12/31/11)
IT-540B - 2011 Louisiana Nonresident Income Tax Return Instructions FINAL (12/31/11)
IT-540ES - 2011 Estimated Tax Voucher for Individuals FINAL (12/31/11)
R-6922 Louisiana Composite Partnership Return FINAL (11/7/11)
R-6922i Instructions for LA Composite Partnership Return FINAL (11/7/11)
R-1111 Interest Rate Schedule Collected on Unpaid Taxes FINAL (10/31/11)
IT-565 Partnership Return and Apportionment of Income Schedule & instructions FINAL (10/25/11)
R-540INS Request for Refund Of LA Citizens Property Insurance FINAL (10/10/11)
R-INS Sup Supplement Schedule for Refund Of LA Citizens Property Insurance FINAL (10/10/11)
R-210R Underpayment Penalty Computation - 2011 Resident Filers FINAL (10/10/11)
R-210Ri Instructions for Underpayment of 2011 Resident Filers/a> FINAL (10/10/11)
R-210NR Underpayment Penalty Computation - 2011 Nonresident Filers FINAL (10/10/11)
R-210NR-i Instructions for Underpayment of 2011 Nonresident Filers FINAL (10/10/11)
R-210NRA Underpayment Penalty Computation - 2011 Nonresident Professional Athlete FINAL (10/10/11)
R-210 Instructions for Underpayment of 2011 Nonresident Professional Athlete FINAL (10/10/11)
R-2868 - Extension of Time to File Individual Income Tax Return FINAL (12/20/11)
R-6242 - Specifications for R-2868 FINAL (12/15/11)
R-6466 - Application for Extension of Time to File Partnership/Fiduciary Return FINAL (08/15/2011)
R-6244 - Specifications for Form R-6466 FINAL (08/15/2011)
R-6467S - Application for Extension of Time to File La. Composite Partnership Return FINAL (08/18/2011)
R-6245 - Specifications for Form R-6467S FINAL (08/15/2011)
R-6922ES - Declaration of Estimated Tax for Composite Partnership FINAL (9/19/2011)
R-19026 Installment Request for Individual Income FINAL (9/19/2011)
IT-541 Fiduciary Income Tax Return & Instructions FINAL (10/3/2011)

2012 Estimated Vouchers and 2011 Electronic Filing

R-540V - Individual Income Tax Electronic Filing Payment Voucher FINAL (06/30/2011)
R-6223 - Specifications and Test Scenarios for Form R-540V-SD FINAL (06/30/2011)
IT-540ES-SD (2012) - Estimated Tax Declaration Voucher for Individuals FINAL (06/30/2011)
R-6231 - Specifications and Test Scenarios for Form IT-540ES-SD FINAL (06/30/2011)