Tax Reform
Page summary
Updated November 25, 2024
Sections on this page
Goal of Louisiana Forward
If passed, the reform package would provide Louisiana with long-term fiscal stability and one of the most competitive tax codes in the nation, positioning the state as an economic powerhouse in the South.
Governor Landry’s Comprehensive Reform Package
- The current fiscal reform package is built on 40 years of research and expert recommendations. It includes 10 bills, with key structural reforms requiring constitutional changes, such as:
- Eliminate uncompetitive taxes, such as the Franchise and Inventory Taxes.
- Broaden tax bases by eliminating preferences and reducing rates.
- Simplify the tax code with fewer carve-outs and flat income tax rates.
- Give the legislature greater spending flexibility by removing dedications and unlocking funds.
- Accelerate debt payments to free up recurring general fund revenue.
Resources for Tax Payers
- 2024 Third Extraordinary Session Legislative Summaries
- Chart of Sales and Use Tax Exemptions Retained
- Chart of Repealed Sales and Use Tax Exclusions and Exemptions
- Chart of Income and Franchise Credits Sunset
- Chart of Repealed Income and Corporation Franchise Tax Credits
- Tax Reform Frequently Asked Questions
What They’re Saying
- “Many of the proposed elements of the Governor’s plan seem to resemble the recommendations made in (our) 2015 report, called ‘Louisiana Fiscal Reform: A Framework for the Future’ ... the ideas are not necessarily new and have been studied and researched by many organizations over many, many years.” — C100, Council for A Better Louisiana
- “PAR applauds the attempt from Gov. Jeff Landry and his administration to revamp Louisiana’s tax structure. They are taking a comprehensive, thoughtful approach to a complex issue, and at this early stage, they seem largely headed down the right path.” — Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana (PAR)
- “We feel like this change is moving the state toward the future in line with our hope of creating a new Louisiana that is more competitive with other states” — Speaker Pro Temp Mike Johnson
- “LABI is encouraged by the administration's and the legislature’s commitment to tackle tax reform. Louisiana citizens and business owners deserve a straightforward tax code that considers a present-day economy.” — Louisiana Association of Business and Industry
- “It’s a bold plan that I believe can make us more competitive.” — Appropriations Chairman Jack McFarland
- “Lowering or removing the personal income tax would help small businesses (who) pay taxes at the individual rate.” — NFIB
- “The Louisiana Forward plan is a step in the right direction for a state that has been lagging behind its neighbors. Governor Landry’s plan, if enacted by lawmakers, will revitalize Louisiana.” — Americans for Tax Reform
How Louisiana Forward Affects You:
- Report on Parish Sales and Severance Tax Revenue Impact
- Primer on Louisiana Tax Structure 2024
- Fiscal Reform Plan
- Positioning Louisiana to Win
- Tax Relief for Senior Citizens
- Lowering the Cost of Prescription Drugs
- Supporting Our Schools
Resources for Local Governments:
Tax Reform Fiscal Projections Memo:
Louisiana Forward Special Session Bill Drafts:
- Draft Ad Valorem Tax Bill
- Draft Article VII Rewrite Bill
- Draft Individual Income Tax Bill
- Draft Corporate Franchise Tax Bill
- Draft Corporate Income Tax Bill
- Draft Digital Products Bill
- Draft Taxable Services Bill
- Draft Sales Tax Clean Up Bill
Louisiana Forward Special Session Fiscal Memo Drafts:
- Draft Fiscal Memo Ad Valorem Tax
- Draft Fiscal Memo Corporate Franchise Tax
- Draft Fiscal Memo Corporate Income Tax
- Draft Fiscal Memo Services
- Draft Fiscal Memo Digital Products
- Draft Fiscal Memo Individual Income Tax
- Draft Fiscal Memo Sales Tax Clean Up