Louisiana Administrative Code
Choose a Type or Year to start
Louisiana Administrative Code
Charitable Gaming Progressive Pull-Tabs
LAC 42:I.1775
December 20, 2003
Suspension and Denial of Renewal of Drivers Licenses
LAC 61: I 1355
October 20, 2004
Drug Free Workplace and Drug Testing
LAC 61:I.101
April 20, 2008
Modifications to Federal Gross Income
LAC 61:I.1114
February 17, 2006
Corporation Income Tax
LAC 61:I.1115
February 17, 2006
Taxes Not Deductible
LAC 61:I.1122
March 01, 2007
Net Operating Loss Deduction
LAC 61:I.1124
November 18, 2004
Application of Net Operating Losses Carryover to Otherwise Closed Years
LAC 61:I:1125
October 20, 2010
Segregation of Items of Gross Income
LAC 61:I.1128
February 17, 2006
Computation of Net Allocable Income from Louisiana Sources
LAC 61:I.1130
March 21, 2006
Corporation Income Tax Determination of Louisiana Apportionment Percent
LAC 61:I.1134
March 20, 2005
Determination of Louisiana Apportionment Percent
LAC 61:I.1134
March 21, 2006
Exemption from Tax on Corporations
LAC 61:I.1140
May 21, 2007
Corporation Returns
LAC 61:I.1148
December 20, 2004
Definition of Separate Corporation Basis
LAC 61:I.1175
February 17, 2006
Health Insurance Credit for Contractors of Public Works
LAC 61:I.1195
May 20, 2006
Nonresident Net Operating Losses
LAC 61:I.1302
January 18, 2002
Application of Louisiana Individual Income Tax to Native Americans
LAC 61:I.1303
December 20, 2001
Nonresident Apportionment of Compensation
LAC 61:I.1304
January 18, 2002
Income Tax Schedule Requirement for Certain Nonresident Professional Athletes and Professional Sports Franchises
LAC 61:I:1305
March 20, 2008
Offset of Individual Income Tax Refunds Against Debts Owed Certain Persons
LAC 61:I.1306
January 20, 2003
Federal Income Tax Deduction
LAC 61:I.1307
May 20, 2002
Individual Income Tax Tables
LAC 61:I.1310
August 20, 2003
Individual Income Tax Tables
LAC 61:I.1310
December 20, 2009
Annual Retirement Income Exemption
LAC 61:I.1311
February 17, 2006
Suspension, Revocation, or Denial of Hunting and Fishing Licenses
LAC 61:I.1351
May 20, 2004
Partnership Composite Return Requirement, Composite Payment Requirement, Exceptions
LAC 61:I.1401
January 23, 2014
Partnership Composite Return and Payment Requirements
LAC 61:I.1401
April 19, 2002
Partnerships Composite Returns and Payments
LAC 61:I.1401
May 21, 2007
Income Tax Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I.1501
January 01, 2003
Income Tax Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I:1501
February 20, 2009
Income Tax Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I:1501
August 20, 2009
Electronic Systems for Withholding Exemption Certificates
LAC 61:I.1505
June 20, 2002
LAC 61:I.1515
June 20, 2002
Withholding Tax Statements and Returns – Electronic Filing Requirements
LAC 61:I.1515
September 21, 2012
Income Tax Withholding Electronic Filing Requirements
LAC 61:I.1515
December 20, 2009
Income – Withholding Tax – Payment
LAC 61:I.1516
January 20, 2013
Withholding by Professional Athletic Teams
LAC 61:I.1520
January 20, 2004
Withholding by Professional Athletic Teams
LAC 61:I.1520
January 20, 2013
Income Tax Withholding on Gaming Winnings
LAC 61:I.1525
December 29, 2010
Extension of Time to File; Waiver of Interest (LAC 61:I.1701)
LAC 61:I.1701
February 23, 2010
Inventory Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1902
October 19, 2001
School Readiness Tax Credits
LAC 61:I.1903
December 20, 2007
Concerning Deposits to the Telephone Company Property Assessment Relief Fund
LAC 61:I.1905
May 25, 2006
Income Tax Credit for Wind or Solar Energy System
LAC 61:I.1907
January 20, 2013
Income Tax Credits for Wind or Solar Energy Systems
LAC 61:I.1907
September 20, 2010
Income Tax Credits for Wind or Solar Energy Systems
LAC 61:I.1907
October 20, 2008
Income Tax Credit for Wind or Solar Energy System
LAC 61:I.1907
December 11, 2011
Income Tax Credits for Solar Energy Systems
LAC 61:I.1907
December 20, 2014
National Center for Construction Education and Research Apprenticeship Tax Credits
LAC 61:I.1909
August 20, 2010
Louisiana New Markets Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1911
March 18, 2011
New Markets Jobs Act – Premium Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1912
March 20, 2015
Alternative Fuel Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1913
December 27, 2012
Severance Tax – Definition of Payout
LAC 61:I.2903.A
June 20, 2003
Repromulgation of Corporation Franchise Tax Rules
LAC 61:I.301-317
March 20, 2004
Surplus and Undivided Profits – Definitions of Reserves and Assets
LAC 61:I.305
August 20, 2003
Surplus and Undivided Profits
LAC 61:I.305
September 20, 2002
Corporation Franchise Tax Allocation of Taxable Capital
LAC 61:I.306
March 20, 2005
Corporation Franchise Tax – Allocation of Taxable Capital
LAC 61:I.306
March 21, 2006
Franchise Tax Due Date
LAC 61:I.309
January 18, 2002
Due Date, Payment, and Reporting of Tax
LAC 61:I.309
January 20, 2005
Books of the Corporation
LAC 61:I.320
April 20, 2004
Use of Dyed Special Fuel By Fire Trucks
LAC 61:I.3363
November 20, 2002
Definition of the Term "Tangible Personal Property" for Sales and Use Tax Purposes
LAC 61:I.4301
February 20, 2003
Concerning the Exclusion of Certain Fire Fighting Equipment from the Definition of the Term “Retail Sale” for Sales Tax Purposes
LAC 61:I.4301
March 06, 2006
Concerning the State Sales Tax Exclusions for Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment That Are Phased-In Over Six Years, Starting July 1, 2004
LAC 61:I.4301
March 24, 2005
Concerning the Definition of the Term “Hotel” for Sales Tax Purposes, As Defined by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 47:301(6), and the Term “Transient Guest”, As Used Within That Definition
LAC 61:I.4301
May 25, 2006
Definition of the Term "Sale" for Sales Tax Purposes
LAC 61:I.4301
June 20, 2002
Concerning R.S. 47:301(14)(e) that Defines Sales Taxable Services to Include the Furnishing of Laundry, Cleaning, Pressing, and Dyeing Services, and the Cleaning and Renovation of Clothing, Furs, Carpets and Rugs
LAC 61:I.4301
June 25, 2004
Definition of the Term "Sales Price" for Sales and Use Tax Purposes
LAC 61:I.4301
October 20, 2001
Definition of the Term "Person" for Sales and Use Tax Purposes
LAC 61:I.4301
December 20, 2002
Concerning the Treatment of Sales Taxes Levied by Local Governments on Inter-jurisdictional Lease and Rental Transactions
LAC 61:I.4303
December 17, 2004
Concerning the Collection of Taxes, Including Collection from Dealers and Auctioneers, and Collection on Vehicles, Off-road Vehicles, and Motorboats and Vessels
LAC 61:I.4307
December 17, 2004
LAC 61:I.4307B
October 20, 2003
Concerning Dealers’ Treatment of Sales Taxes That They Must Collect
LAC 61:I.4311
December 17, 2004
Repeal of the Rule Providing for the Manufactured and Mobile Home Settlement Fund
LAC 61:I.4313
May 19, 2004
Administration of Claims Against the Manufactured and Mobile Home Settlement Fund
LAC 61:I.4313
July 01, 2001
Amending the Rule Concerning Returns and Payment of Tax, Penalty for Absorption of Tax
LAC 61:I.4351
September 21, 2007
Concerning the Filing of Tax Returns and the Payment of Taxes
LAC 61:I.4351
December 17, 2004
Amending the Rule Concerning the Authority of the Secretary of Revenue and Local Sales Tax Collectors to Determine the Amount of State and Local Sales Tax that Is Due in Certain Cases
LAC 61:I.4355
February 02, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning State and Local Sales Tax Payment Procedures at the Time of the Termination or Transfer of a Business
LAC 61:I.4357
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the Requirement that Dealers Keep Records to Enable the Determination of Their Correct State and Local Sales Tax Liabilities
LAC 61:I.4359
February 02, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the Requirement that Wholesalers and Jobbers Keep Records to Enable the Determination of Their Correct State and Local Sales Tax Liabilities
LAC 61:I.4361
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the Authority of the Secretary of Revenue and Local Sales Tax Collectors to Examine the Records of Transportation Companies
LAC 61:I.4363
February 02, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning R.S. 47:312 that Authorizes the Secretary of Revenue and Local Tax Collectors to Attach Property Upon Which Sales or Use Tax, Interest, and Penalty Is Not Paid
LAC 61:I.4365
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the Authority of the Secretary of Revenue and Local Collectors to Institute Judicial Proceedings Barring Delinquent Taxpayers From Further Pursuit of Business
LAC 61:I.4367
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the Credit or Refund of State and Local Sales Tax That Is Authorized On Sales Returned to Dealers and On Uncollectible Accounts
LAC 61:I.4369
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning Refunds of the State Sales Taxes Paid on Property Destroyed In Certain Natural Disasters
LAC 61:I.4371
February 04, 2005
Concerning Refunds of the State Sales Taxes Paid on Property Destroyed In Certain Natural Disasters
LAC 61:I.4371
March 06, 2006
Payment of Sales and Use Taxes by Persons Constructing, Altering, or Repairing Immovable Property
LAC 61:I.4372
August 20, 2012
Amending the Rule Concerning Procedures that Must Be Followed by Nonresident Contractors to Comply With the Contract Registration and Bond Requirements of R.S. 47:9, 47:306(D), 47:337.18, and 47:337.19
LAC 61:I.4373
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the Value of Surety Bonds that Nonresident Contractors Are Required to Furnish to the Secretary of Revenue Guaranteeing Their Payment of State and Local Taxes
LAC 61:I.4373
March 06, 2006
Concerning the Sales Tax Exemption Provided by R.S. 47:305(D)(4)(b) for Chemotherapy Drugs Used in the Treatment of Cancer (5/25/2010)
LAC 61:I.4401(G)(2)
May 25, 2010
Concerning the Sales and Use Taxation of Food Products
LAC 61:I.4401
August 20, 2003
Concerning the Sales Tax Exemptions Provided By La. Stat. Ann. § 47:305, Indicating Whether Each Exemption Applies to Both State and Local Sales Tax, or to Only State Sales Tax
LAC 61:I.4401
December 17, 2004
Repeal of the Definition of the Term “Newspaper” That Is Provided Within the Current Rule (7/21/2010)
LAC 61:I.4401.D.3
July 21, 2010
Amending the Rule Concerning the Exemption From State and Local Lease and Rental Tax for Helicopters Used in the Exploration for or the Production of Minerals
LAC 61:I.4402
February 03, 2005
Concerning the Sales Tax Exemptions Provided by R.S. 47:305.1 for Vessels of Fifty Tons Load Displacement and Over, and for Vessels Operating Exclusively in Foreign or Interstate Coastwise Commerce
LAC 61:I.4403
May 19, 2004
Amending the Rule Concerning the State and Local Sales Tax Exemption for Seeds Used in the Planting of Crops
LAC 61:I.4404
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the State and Local Sales Tax Exemption on Sales of Little Theatre Tickets
LAC 61:I.4406
February 04, 2005
LAC 61:I.4407
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the State and Local Sales Tax Exemption for Commercial Agricultural Pesticides
LAC 61:I.4408
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the State and Local Sales Tax Exemption for the Amounts Paid by Motion Picture Theatres to Distributing Agencies for the Use of Films
LAC 61:I.4409
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the Exemption From State and Local Sales Tax for Property Purchased for First Use Outside the State
LAC 61:I.4410
February 04, 2005
LAC 61:I.4412
March 06, 2006
LAC 61:I.4413
February 02, 2005
Certain Self-Propelled Vehicles Removed from Inventory
LAC 61:I.4415
August 20, 2012
Amending the Rule Concerning the State Sales Tax Exemption for Mardi Gras Specialty Items
LAC 61:I.4416
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the State and Local Sales Tax Exemption for Sales by Certain Nonprofit Organizations at Fund-raising Events
LAC 61:I.4418
February 04, 2005
Amending the Rule Concerning the Exemption From State and Local Sales Tax for Certain Trucks, Trailers, and Contract Carrier Busses Used at Least 80% of the Time in Interstate Commerce
LAC 61:I.4420
February 04, 2005
Sales Tax Exemption Provided by R.S. 47:305.50(A) for Certain Large Trucks, Trailers and Contract Carrier Busses Operating 80% of The Time in Interstate Commerce
LAC 61:I.4420
February 20, 2003
Amended Rule Concerning the Sales Tax Exemption Provided by R.S. 47:305.50 for Vehicles Operating in Interstate Commerce (7/20/2009)
LAC 61:I.4420
July 21, 2009
Concerning the Annual State Sales Tax Holiday Authorized by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 47:305.58 on Sales of Hurricane-Preparedness Items or Supplies
LAC 61:I.4423
July 20, 2008
Signature Alternatives
LAC 61:I.4905
February 20, 1999
Signature Alternatives
LAC 61:I.4905
July 20, 2001
Signature Alternatives for Preparers
LAC 61:I.4906
March 20, 2005
Remittance of Tax Under Protest, Suits, or Petitions to Recover
LAC 61:I.4907
December 20, 2014
Insufficient Funds Checks as They Relate to Payments Under Protest
LAC 61:I.4908
February 20, 2002
Refund Claims
LAC 61:I.4909
January 20, 2000
Electronic Funds Transfer
LAC 61:I.4910
February 20, 2005
Electronic Funds Transfer
LAC 61:I.4910
September 21, 2012
Electronic Funds Transfer
LAC 61:I.4910
December 20, 1999
Electronic Funds Transfer
LAC 61:I.4910
December 20, 2003
Filing and Payment Dates
LAC 61:I.4911
August 20, 2001
Department Adopts Rule governing the Collection of In-State Tax Liabilities by Debt Collection Agencies or the Attorney General’s Office.
LAC 61:I.4913
November 20, 2002
Louisiana Tax Delinquency Amnesty Act of 2014
LAC 61:I.4915
January 20, 2015
LAC 61:I.5101
April 20, 2002
Issuance and Cancellation of a Lien;Fees
LAC 61:I.5302
May 20, 2004
Issuance and Cancellation of a Lien; Fees
LAC 61:I.5302
May 20, 2007
Presidential Disaster Relief Credits
LAC 61:I.601
April 20, 2006
Presidential Disaster Relief Credits
LAC 61:I.601
October 20, 2006
Policy Statements
LAC 61:III.101
February 20, 2001
Policy Statements
LAC 61:III.101
June 20, 2009
Donations to the Louisiana Military Family Assistance Fund
LAC 61:III:1101
December 20, 2005
Requirement for Tax Preparers to File Income Tax Returns Electronically
LAC 61:III.1501
July 18, 2008
Requirement for Tax Preparers to File Income Tax Returns Electronically
LAC 61:III.1501
November 19, 2007
Requiring Lessors and Rentors of Motor Vehicles to File State Sales Tax Returns Electronically, Beginning with the July 2008 Filing Period
LAC 61:III.1511
September 20, 2008
Requiring Electronic Filing of Certain Types of Tax Returns, Beginning with the July 2009 Filing Period (7/20/2009)
LAC 61:III.1513-1523
July 21, 2009
Electronic Filing Requirements for Oil or Gas Severance Tax
LAC 61:III.1525
June 20, 2011
LAC 61:III.1527
March 18, 2011
Payment of Taxes by Credit or Debit Cards; Other
LAC 61:III:1532
April 20, 2008
Penalty Waiver
LAC 61:III.2101
March 20, 2015
Waiver of Delinquent Penalty
LAC 61:III.2101
June 20, 2001
Penalty Waiver
LAC 61:III.2101
June 20, 2003
Voluntary Disclosure Agreements
LAC 61:III.2103
March 20, 2015
Interest Waiver and Filing Extensions Following Disasters
LAC 61:III:2111
February 20, 2006
Interest Abatement and Compromise
LAC 61:III:2115
January 20, 2007
Interest Waiver and Filing Extensions Following Disasters
LAC 61:III.2116
June 20, 2009
Individual Income Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2501
January 20, 2013
Individual Income Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2501
June 20, 2009
Corporation Income and Franchise Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2503
January 20, 2013
Corporation and Income Tax Filing Return Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2503
March 20, 2010
Filing Extensions for Partnerships Filing Composite Returns
LAC 61:III.2505
April 22, 2014
Department adopts a rule governing Alternative Dispute Resolution.
LAC 61:III.301-335
June 01, 2005
Designation of Tax Matters Person
LAC 61:III.501
February 20, 2009
Requirement for the Electronic Filing of Oil and Gas Severance Tax Returns (7/21/2010)
LAC 61:IIII.1525
July 21, 2010
2019 LDR Yearly Rule-Making Action Report
Annual Rulemaking Reports
February 12, 2020
2021 LDR Yearly Rule-Making Action Report
Annual Rulemaking Reports
March 04, 2022
2018 LDR Yearly Rule-Making Action Report
Annual Rulemaking Reports
March 12, 2019
2022 LDR Yearly Rule-Making Action Report
Annual Rulemaking Reports
March 14, 2023
2020 LDR Yearly Rule-Making Action Report
Annual Rulemaking Reports
March 19, 2021
Limited Raffle Licenses
LAC 42:I.1722
February 29, 2024
Limited Raffle Licenses
LAC 42:I.1722
September 01, 2023
Emergency Rule Concerning Progressive Pull-Tabs
LAC 42:I.1775
August 15, 2003
Annual Retirement Income Exemption for Individuals 65 or Older
LAC 61:I.1311
November 20, 2005
Net Capital Gains Deduction
LAC 61:I.1312
January 01, 2024
Income Exemption for Digital Nomads
LAC 61:I.1357
December 21, 2022
Income Tax Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I.1501
January 01, 2022
Income Tax Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I.1501
February 09, 2018
Income Tax Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I.1501
December 20, 2024
Withholding Tax Statements and Returns?Electronic Filing Requirements
LAC 61:I.1515
February 20, 2012
Withholding Tax Statements and Returns—Electronic Filing Requirements
LAC 61:I.1515
December 01, 2021
Income Tax Withholding on Gaming Winnings
LAC 61:I.1525
September 05, 2021
Income Tax Withholding on Gaming Winnings
LAC 61:I.1525
October 08, 2021
Income Tax Credits for Wind or Solar Energy Systems
LAC 61:I.1907
August 25, 2011
Application of the New Markets Tax Credit Cap for 2009
LAC 61:I.1911.1
December 19, 2008
Alternative Fuel Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1912
April 27, 2012
Frontline Workers COVID-19 Hazard Pay Rebate Program
LAC 61:I.1919
July 13, 2020
Frontline Workers COVID-19 Hazard Pay Rebate Program
LAC 61:I.1919
September 16, 2020
Concerning the Classification of Businesses as “Hotels” for Sales Tax Purposes, and of Hotel Customers as Either Transient Guests or Permanent Occupants
LAC 61:I:4301
February 01, 2006
Emergency Rule Concerning the Sales Tax Exclusions for Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment That Are Phased-In Over Six Years, Starting July 1, 2004
LAC 61:I.4301
July 02, 2004
Hurricane Katrina—Hotel Sales Tax Exclusion
LAC 61:I.4301
September 01, 2005
Repeal of Emergency Rule—Hurricane Katrina Hotel Sales Tax Exclusion
LAC 61:I.4301
October 28, 2005
Department Issues Emergency Rule Concerning Refunds of the State Sales Taxes Paid on Property Destroyed In Certain Natural Disasters
LAC 61:I.4371
September 08, 2005
Department Issues Emergency Rule Concerning Nonresident Contractors’ Bonding Requirements
LAC 61:I.4373
October 13, 2005
Concerning the Annual State Sales Tax Holiday on Sales of Certain Types of Hurricane Preparedness Supplies
LAC 61:I.4423
March 20, 2008
Concerning the Annual Louisiana Second Amendment Weekend Holiday Act on Consumer Purchases of Firearms, Ammunition, and Hunting Supplies
LAC 61:I.4425
August 04, 2009
Electronic Funds Transfer
LAC 61:I.4910
February 20, 2012
Concerning the Louisiana Tax Delinquency Amnesty Act of 2009 and the tax amnesty program to be conducted by the Department of Revenue during the months of September and October 2009
LAC 61:I.4912
August 04, 2009
Revised Emergency Rule governing the Collection of In-State Tax Liabilities by Debt Collection Agencies or the Attorney General’s Office.
LAC 61:I.4913
May 20, 2002
Louisiana Tax Delinquency Amnesty Act of 2014
LAC 61:I.4915
September 22, 2014
Installment Agreement for Payment of Tax; Fees
LAC 61:I.4919
July 17, 2015
Installment Agreement for Payment of Tax; Fees
LAC 61:I.4919
November 14, 2015
Issuance and Cancellation of a Lien; Fees
LAC 61:I.5302
July 17, 2015
Issuance and Cancellation of a Lien; Fees
LAC 61:I.5302
November 14, 2015
Requiring that Lessors and Rentors of Motor Vehicles Submit Their State Sales Tax Returns Electronically, Beginning with the July 2008 Filing Period
LAC 61:III.1511
May 29, 2008
Electronic Filing Requirements for Oil or Gas Severance Tax
LAC 61:III.1525
February 02, 2011
Payment of Taxes by Credit or Debit Cards; Other
LAC 61:III:1532
January 18, 2008
Electronic Filing and Payment Requirement for Dealers Providing Telecommunications, Cable Television, Direct-to-Home Satellite, Video Programming and Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services
LAC 61:III.1551 and 1552
December 20, 2024
Administrative Fees
LAC 61:III.1701
July 17, 2015
Administrative Fees
LAC 61:III.1701
November 14, 2015
Emergency Rule—Interest Waiver and Filing Extensions Following Disasters
LAC 61:III.2111
October 20, 2005
Individual Income Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III.2501
March 20, 2012
Individual Income Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2501
November 26, 2008
Individual Income Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III.2501
December 29, 2008
Corporation Income and Franchise Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III.2503
March 20, 2012
LAC 61:IIII.1527
November 19, 2010
Concerning the Service Charge on Sales of Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications Services Authorized by Act 531 of the 2009 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature (12/23/2009)
LAC 64:I:5401
December 23, 2009
Severance Tax Returns— Electronic Filing and Payment Requirements
September 24, 2024
Louisiana Rehabilitation of Historic Structures Tax Credit
LAC: 61:I.1917
September 10, 2018
Limited Raffle Licenses
LAC 42:I.1722
June 20, 2024
Electronic Progressive Mega Jackpot Bingo
LAC 42:I.Chapter 17
December 10, 2017
Election of Pass-Through Entities
LAC 61:I.1001
March 20, 2024
Election of Pass-Through Entities
LAC 61:I.1001
September 22, 2022
Election of Pass-Through Entities
LAC 61:I.1001
October 24, 2019
Tax Credit Documentation Requirements
LAC 61:I.1001 and 1302
August 19, 2024
Criminal History Record Checks for Access to Federal Tax Information
LAC 61:I.103
May 23, 2022
Criminal History Record Checks for Access to Federal Tax Information
LAC 61:I.103
October 10, 2017
Corporate Deductions; Add-Back of Certain Intangible Expenses; Interest and Management Fees
LAC 61:I.1115
January 20, 2017
Corporate Deductions; Add-back of Certain Intangible Expenses; Interest and Management Fee
LAC 61:I.1115
October 10, 2016
Taxes Not Deductible; Net Operating Loss Deduction; Application of Net Operating Losses Carryover to Otherwise Closed Years
LAC 61:I.1122, 1124, and 1125
August 16, 2022
Sourcing of Sales other than Sales of Tangible Personal Property
LAC 61:I.1135
October 10, 2016
Corporation Income Tax; Apportionment of Income; Sourcing of Sales other than Sales of Tangible Personal Property; Exclusion of Certain Sales of Tangible Personal Property from the Sales Factor
LAC 61:I.1135; LAC 61:I.1136
September 21, 2018
Nonresident Professional Athletes
LAC 61:I.1304, 1305, 1520 and 61:III.1527
December 29, 2021
Individual Income Tax Tables and Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I.1310 and LAC 61:I.1501
March 31, 2022
Net Capital Gains Deduction
LAC 61:I.1312
February 20, 2024
Income Exemption for Digital Nomads
LAC 61:I.1357
September 20, 2023
Partnership Filing Requirements
LAC 61:I.1402
February 20, 2024
Income Tax Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I.1501
March 15, 2018
Withholding Tax Statements and Returns—Electronic Filing Requirements
LAC 61:I.1515
February 10, 2022
Mandatory Electronic Filing of Tax Returns and Payments
LAC 61:I.1515; LAC 61:III.Chapter 15
January 29, 2018
Income Tax Withholding on Gaming Winnings
LAC 61:I.1525
September 10, 2021
Income Tax Withholding on Gaming Winnings
LAC 61:I.1525
December 20, 2021
Tax Credit Documentation Requirements
LAC 61:I.1902, 1903, and 1905
June 25, 2024
Inventory Tax Credits
LAC 61:I.1902
December 10, 2016
Apprenticeship Tax Credits
LAC 61:I.1909
October 11, 2022
Small Town Health Professionals Credit
LAC 61:I:1915
June 10, 2018
Small Town Health Professionals Credit
LAC 61:I.1915
September 11, 2019
Louisiana Youth Jobs Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1921
December 10, 2021
Mobile Workforce Exemption
LAC 61:I.1923
July 10, 2022
Donation to Qualified Foster Care Charitable Organization Credit and Certain Adoptions Deductions
LAC 61:I.1925, LAC 61:I.1927, LAC 61:I.1929
August 10, 2022
LAC 61:I.1931
October 10, 2023
Restaurant Oyster Shell Recycling Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1933
June 25, 2024
Imposition of Tax; Determination of Taxable Capital; Newly Taxable Corporations
LAC 61:I.301, 302, and 311
June 22, 2018
Imposition of Tax; Determination of Taxable Capital; Newly Taxable Corporations
LAC 61:I.301, 302, and 311
October 10, 2016
Commercial Farmer Definition for Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Feed, Seed and Fertilizer
LAC 61:I.4301, 4404, and 4408
August 10, 2018
Payment of Sales and Use Taxes by Persons Constructing, Renovating, or Altering Immovable Property
LAC 61:I.4372
April 24, 2024
Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Charitable Construction of Animal Shelters
LAC 61:I.4427
December 10, 2021
Claim for Refund Requirements
LAC 61:I.4909
June 21, 2021
Prescription of Refunds Claimed Pursuant to the Federal Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016
LAC 61:I.4914
August 10, 2019
Installment Agreement for Payment of Tax
LAC 61:I.4919
April 09, 2021
Installment Agreement for Payment of Tax
LAC 61:I.4919
July 12, 2024
Installment Agreement for Tax
LAC 61:I.4919
November 10, 2015
Tobacco Tax
LAC 61:I.5101-5115
August 26, 2024
Manufacturer’s Net Invoiced Price
LAC 61:I.5103
August 10, 2022
Articles and Products Made of Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes
LAC 61:I.5105
November 10, 2022
Issuance and Cancellation of a Lien; Fees
LAC 61:I.5302
November 10, 2015
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
LAC 61:I.5501
September 20, 2023
Presidential Disaster Tax Relief Credit, Federal Income Tax Deduction and Withholding by Professional Athletic Teams
LAC 61:I.601, LAC 61:I.1307, and LAC 61:I.1520(C)
August 16, 2022
Partnership Returns-Electronic Filing Requirements; Filing Extensions for Partnerships filing Partnership/Partnership Composite Returns
LAC 61:III.1507 and 2505
January 10, 2022
Telecommunication Tax for the Deaf—Electronic Filing Requirements
LAC 61:III.1529
May 11, 2018
Tobacco Tax – Electronic Filing Requirements and Tobacco Tax – Electronic Payment Required
LAC 61:III.1533 and 1534
April 25, 2019
Mandatory Electronic Filing and Payment of Tobacco Tax by Vapor Dealers
LAC 61.III.1533 and 1534
August 10, 2022
Mandatory Electronic Filing of Industrial Hemp-Derived CBD and Consumable Hemp Products Tax Returns and Payment of Tax
LAC 61:III.1535 and 1536
August 10, 2021
Mandatory Electronic Filing of Industrial Hemp-Derived CBD Tax Returns and Payment of Tax
LAC 61:III.1535 and 1536
September 11, 2019
LAC 61:III.1537 and 1538
October 22, 2019
Mandatory Electronic Filing of Certain Excise Tax Returns and Payment of Taxes
LAC 61:III.1539-1546
August 10, 2020
LAC 61:III.1547 and 1548
August 10, 2021
LAC 61:III.1549 and 1550
July 12, 2024
Administrative Fees
LAC 61:III.1701
November 10, 2015
Open Meetings via Electronic Means
LAC 61:III.201, 203, 205, and 207
March 20, 2024
Voluntary Disclosure Agreements
LAC 61:III.2103
February 20, 2023
LAC 61:III.2121-2125
June 21, 2021
Fresh Start Proper Worker Classification Initiative
LAC 61:III.2301
October 11, 2022
Income Tax Return Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III.2501, 2503, 2505 and 2507
October 11, 2022
Individual and Fiduciary Income Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III.2501 and 2507
September 11, 2019
Income Tax Return Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III.2503
December 20, 2023
Louisiana Tax Credit Registry
LAC 61:III.2701 & 2705
April 10, 2015
Public Registry of Motion Picture Investor Tax Credit Brokers
LAC 61:III.2701
February 10, 2016
Public Registry of Motion Picture Investor Tax Credit Brokers
LAC 61:III.2701
September 15, 2016
Public Registry of Motion Picture Investor Tax Credit Brokers
LAC 61:III.2701
November 20, 2015
Policy Statements and Guidance
LAC 61:III.2901 and 2903
October 22, 2019
Collection Fee
LAC 61:III.3101
July 10, 2023
Validation and Notice of Local Taxing Authority Sales and Use Tax Exemptions and Exclusions
LAC 61:III.4425
August 23, 2019
Progressive Pull-Tabs
LAC 42:I.1775
September 20, 2003
Drug Free Workplace and Drug Testing
LAC 61:I.101
December 20, 2007
Modifications to Federal Gross Income
LAC 61:I.1114
October 20, 2005
Repromulgation of Corporation Income Tax Regulations
LAC 61:I.1115-1189
December 20, 2003
Withholding Tax at the Source
LAC 61:I.1115
April 02, 2007
Modifications to Deductions from Gross Income
LAC 61:I.1115
October 20, 2005
Taxes Not Deductible
LAC 61:I.1122
December 04, 2006
Net Operating Loss Deduction
LAC 61:I.1124
August 20, 2004
Application of Net Operating Losses Carryover to Otherwise Closed Years
LAC 61:I.1125
July 20, 2010
Segregation of Items of Gross Income
LAC 61:I.1128
October 20, 2005
Computation of Net Allocable Income from Louisiana Sources
LAC 61:I.1130
September 20, 2005
Computation of Net Allocable Income from Louisiana Sources
LAC 61:I.1130
December 20, 2005
Proposed Rule Concerning Computation of Net Allocable Income from Louisiana Sources
LAC 61:I.1131
October 20, 2002
Determination of Louisiana Apportionment Percent
LAC 61:I.1134
December 20, 2005
Special Adjustments by the Secretary
LAC 61:I.1138
December 20, 2004
Exemption from Tax on Corporations
LAC 61:I.1140
March 01, 2007
Corporation Returns
LAC 61:I.1148
September 20, 2003
Definition of Separate Corporation Basis
LAC 61:I.1175
November 20, 2005
Health Insurance Credit for Contractors of Public Works
LAC 61:I.1195
February 17, 2006
Health Insurance Credit for Contractors of Public Works
LAC 61:I.1195
December 20, 2005
Income Tax Schedule Requirements for Certain Nonresident Professional Athletes and Professional Sports Franchises
LAC 61:I.1305
December 20, 2007
Department proposes rule providing tax tables for individual income tax.
LAC 61:I.1310
May 20, 2003
Individual Income Tax Tables
LAC 61:I.1310
July 20, 2009
Suspension, Revocation, and Denial of Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Non-payment of Individual Income Tax
LAC 61:I.1351
February 20, 2004
Partnership Composite Returns and Payments
LAC 61:I.1401
March 01, 2007
Composite Payment Requirements; Exceptions
LAC 61:I.1401
September 20, 2013
Income Tax Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I.1501
May 20, 2009
Income Tax Withholding Tables
LAC 61:I.1501
November 20, 2008
Withholding Tax Statements – Electronic Filing Requirements
LAC 61:I.1515
May 10, 2012
Income: Withholding Tax, Withholding Tax Annual Reconciliation And Employee Withholding Statements - Electronic Filing Requirements
LAC 61:I:1515
July 20, 2009
Payment of Withholding Tax
LAC 61:I.1516
October 20, 2012
Withholding by Professional Athletic Teams (also see the Emergency Rule)
LAC 61:I.1520
October 20, 2003
Withholding by Professional Athletic Teams
LAC 61:I.1520
October 20, 2012
Income Tax Withholding on Gaming Winnings
LAC 61:I.1525
September 20, 2010
Income Tax Credits for Wind or Solar Energy Systems
LAC 61:I.1907
March 20, 2010
Wind or Solar Energy Systems Tax Credits
LAC 61:I.1907
June 20, 2008
Income Tax Credits for Wind or Solar Energy Systems
LAC 61:I.1907
June 20, 2010
Income Tax Credit for Wind or Solar Energy System
LAC 61:I.1907
August 20, 2012
Income Tax Credit for Wind or Solar Energy System
LAC 61:I.1907
September 20, 2011
Income Tax Credits for Solar Energy Systems
LAC 61:I.1907
September 22, 2014
Income Tax Credits for Solar Energy Systems
LAC 61:I.1907
October 21, 2013
Income Tax Credits for Apprenticeship
LAC 61:I.1909
May 20, 2010
Louisiana New Markets Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1911
February 20, 2008
Louisiana New Markets Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1911
May 20, 2008
New Markets Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1911
December 29, 2010
New Markets Job Act – Premium Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1912
December 20, 2013
New Markets Job Act - Premium Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1912
December 20, 2014
Alternative Fuel Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1913
September 20, 2012
Alternative Fuel Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1913
December 20, 2012
Definition of <i>Payout</i> for Severance Tax Purposes
LAC 61:I.2903
February 20, 2003
Extension of time allowed for filing certifications for reduced oil and gas severance tax rates
LAC 61:I.2903
June 23, 2006
Repromulgation of Corporation Franchise Tax Regulations
LAC 61:I.301-313 and 317
December 20, 2003
Department proposes rule concerning “reserves” and “assets” for corporation franchise tax
LAC 61:I.305
May 20, 2003
Corporation Franchise Tax Allocation of Taxable Capital
LAC 61:I.306
December 20, 2004
Allocation of Taxable Capital
LAC 61:I.306
December 20, 2005
Franchise Tax – Due Date, Payment, and Reporting of the Tax
LAC 61:I.309
October 25, 2004
Books of the Corporatation
LAC 61:I.320
January 20, 2004
Concerning the State Sales Tax Exclusions for Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment That Are Phased-In Over Six Years, Starting July 1, 2004
LAC 61:I.4301
December 17, 2004
Department Proposes Rule Concerning the Sales Tax Exemption on Purchases of Electricity and the Sales Tax Limitation on Purchases of Natural Gas by Paper and Wood Products Manufacturers
LAC 61:I.4304
October 23, 2006
Department Proposes to Amend the Sales Tax Rule Concerning the Requirements for Absorption of the Sales Tax by Selling Dealers, to Update for Statutory Changes Since the Rule’s Last Amendment
LAC 61:I.4311
February 28, 2005
Department Proposes to Adopt Rule Concerning the Point of Sale for the Jurisdiction Where Sales Taxes Are Due (7/10/2009)
LAC 61:I:4313
July 10, 2009
Department Proposes to Amend the Sales Tax Rule Concerning the Penalty for Dealer Absorption of the Tax, to Update for Statutory Changes Since the Rule’s Last Amendment
LAC 61:I.4351
February 28, 2005
Sales Tax Returns and Payment of Tax
LAC 61:I.4351
June 26, 2007
Proposed Amendment to the Rule Concerning the Optional Apportionment Method Provided by R.S. 47:306.1 for Use by For-Hire Carriers in Reporting Sales and Use Taxes
LAC 61:I.4353
July 20, 2003
Payment of Sales and Use Taxes by Persons Constructing, Altering, or Repairing Immovable Property
LAC 61:I:4372
April 19, 2012
Department Proposes to Repeal the Definition of the Term “Newspaper” That Is Provided in the Current Rule (3/1/2010)
LAC 61:I.4401.D.3
March 01, 2010
Proposed Amendment to the Rule Concerning the Sales Tax Exemptions Provided by R.S. 47:305.1 for Vessels of Fifty Tons Load Displacement and Over, and for Vessels Operating Exclusively in Foreign or Interstate Coastwise Commerce
LAC 61:I.4403
July 20, 2003
Certain Self-Propelled Vehicles Removed from Inventory
LAC 61:I.4415
May 10, 2012
Department Proposes Amendments to the Rule Concerning the Sales Tax Exemption Provided by R.S. 47:305.50 for Vehicles Operating in Interstate Commerce
LAC 61:I.4420
December 22, 2008
Concerning the Annual State Sales Tax Holiday Authorized by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 47:305.58 on Sales of Hurricane-Preparedness Items or Supplies
LAC 61:I.4423
April 22, 2008
Signature Alternative for Preparers
LAC 61:I.4906
December 20, 2004
Remittance of Tax under Protest, Suit or Petitions to Recover
LAC 61:I.4907
September 22, 2014
Electronic Funds Transfer
LAC 61:I.4910
May 10, 2012
Electronic Funds Transfer
LAC 61:I.4910
September 20, 2003
Electronic Funds Transfer
LAC 61:I.4910
November 17, 2004
Louisiana Tax Delinquency Amnesty Act of 2014
LAC 61:I.4915
October 20, 2014
Oilfield Site Restoration Fee
LAC 61:I.5301
April 24, 2006
Issuance and Cancellation of a Lien; Fees
LAC 61:I.5302
February 22, 2007
Issuance and Cancellation of a Lien;Fees
LAC 61:I.5302.C.3
March 20, 2004
Presidential Disaster Relief Credits
LAC 61:I.601
January 19, 2006
LAC 61:II.101
February 28, 2005
Policy Statements
LAC 61:III.101
March 20, 2009
Donations to the Louisiana Military Family Assistance Fund
LAC 61:III.1101
September 20, 2005
Requirement for Tax Preparers to File Income Tax Returns Electronically
LAC 61:III.1501
April 20, 2008
Department Proposes Rule Requiring Compensated Tax Preparers to Submit Electronically Certain Percentages of Their Clients’ Individual Income Tax Returns, Beginning in 2008
LAC 61:III.1501
August 23, 2007
Individual Income Tax Extension Payments
LAC 61:III.1503
November 19, 2010
Corporation Income and Franchise Tax Extension Payments
LAC 61:III.1505
November 19, 2010
Department Proposes Rule Requiring Lessors and Rentors of Motor Vehicles to File State Sales Tax Returns Electronically, Beginning with the July 2008 Filing Period
LAC 61:III.1511
June 19, 2008
Department Proposes Rule Requiring Electronic Filing of Certain Types of Tax Returns, Beginning with the July 2009 Filing Period (4/22/2009)
LAC 61:III.1513-1523
April 22, 2009
Electronic Filing Requirements for Oil or Gas Severance Tax
LAC 61:III.1525
March 20, 2010
Mandatory Electronic Filing of Tax Returns and Payment
LAC 61:III.1525
March 20, 2011
LAC 61:III.1527
December 29, 2010
Department Adopts Emergency Rule governing the documentation taxpayers must submit when requesting waiver of delinquent filing or late payment penalty and the factors that will be considered by the Department in evaluating waiver requests.
LAC 61:III.2101
February 05, 2003
Department proposes a Rule governing the documentation taxpayers must submit when requesting waiver of delinquent filing or late payment penalty and the factors that will be considered by the Department in evaluating waiver requests.
LAC 61:III.2101
March 20, 2003
Penalty Waiver
LAC 61:III.2101
December 20, 2014
Voluntary Disclosure Agreement
LAC 61:III.2103
December 20, 2014
Interest Waiver and Filing Extensions Following Disasters
LAC 61:III.2111
November 20, 2005
Interest Abatement and Compromise
LAC 61:III:2115
October 25, 2006
Individual Income Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2501
January 20, 2009
Individual Income Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2501
October 20, 2012
Individual Income Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2501
November 19, 2010
Corporation Income and Franchise Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2503
October 20, 2012
Corporation Income and Franchise Tax Filing Extensions
LAC 61:III:2503
November 19, 2010
Filing Extensions for Partnerships Filing Composite Returns
LAC 61:III.2505
December 20, 2013
Alternative Dispute Resolution
LAC 61:III.301-335
March 20, 2003
Designation of Tax Matters Person
LAC 61:III.501
October 20, 2008
Designation of Tax Matters Person
LAC 61:III.501
November 20, 2008
Department Proposes to Amend Rule to Provide with Respect to the Sales Tax Exemption Under R.S. 47:305(D)(4)(b) for Chemotherapy Drugs Used in the Treatment of Cancer (12/23/2009)
LAC 64:I:4410
December 23, 2009
Substantive Change Notice—Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (LAC 61:I.5501)
LAC 61:I.5501
December 20, 2023
Notice of Public Hearing – Act 454 of the 2018 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature
August 20, 2019
Substantive Hearing Notice—Mandatory Electronic Filing of Certain Excise Tax Returns and Payment of Taxes (LAC 61:III.1539-1546)
November 20, 2020
Corporate Deductions; Add-Back of Certain Intangible Expenses; Interest and Management Fees
LAC 61:I.1115
March 09, 2018
Regulation Summary Report Notice LAC 61:I.1912 New Markets Jobs Act – Premium Tax Credit
LAC 61:I.1912
February 06, 2015
Regulation Summary Report Notice LAC 61:I.4915 Louisiana Tax Delinquency Amnesty Act of 2014
LAC 61:I.4915
December 15, 2014
Regulation Summary Report Notice Installment Agreement for Payment of Tax; Fees
LAC 61:I.4919
January 07, 2016
Regulation Summary Report Notice Issuance and Cancellation of a Lien; Fees
LAC 61:I.5302
January 07, 2016
Regulation Summary Report Notice Administrative Fees
LAC 61:III.1701
January 07, 2016
Regulation Summary Report Notice LAC 61:III.2101 Penalty Waiver
LAC 61:III.2101
February 04, 2015
Regulation Summary Report Notice LAC 61:III.2103 Voluntary Disclosure Agreement
LAC 61:III.2103
February 04, 2015