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Updated November 07, 2024
Get information about Louisiana Taxpayer Access Point (LaTAP).
What is LaTAP?
LaTAP is Louisiana Department of Revenue’s tool enabling you to pay your business or indvidual taxes online.
Use LaTAP Now
Frequently-Asked Questions
How can I register for LaTAP?
From the LDR home page click on the E-File & E-Pay link located on the bottom right-hand side of this homepage. Click the "Continue" button and on the next page click "Taxpayer Access Point" button located under the Business Tax Options. Or, follow this quick link to
go directly to LaTAP. You will be asked to fill out some required information to register.
How do I file a return in LaTAP?
Once logged in to LaTAP, select the tax-specific account at the bottom middle of the
LaTAP home page. From the account screen, click on the “File Now” link from the “Period List” for the tax period which the return is being filed. Once you have completed the return, you will click the “Submit” button in the upper right hand corner. If your return is without error, you will be prompted to enter your password as your electronic signature. If you are not prompted to enter your password, review your return for line items which are shaded in red and/or any error message displayed to the right of each line item.
How do I make a payment in LaTAP?
If you want to make a payment toward a specific filing period, locate the filing period on the filing period list and select the “Pay Now” link. Alternatively, you can use the “Make a payment” link and select the “Return payment” option. Enter the payment effective date (date you want the funds to come out of your bank account), the payment amount, and select the bank source or enter a new bank source. Press submit button and verify your payment by entering your password. If you want to make a payment toward the entire account balance, use the “Make a payment” link and select the "Bill" option. Enter the payment effective date (date you want the funds to come out of your bank account), the payment amount, and select the bank source or enter a new bank source. Press the submit button and verify your payment by entering your password. This type of payment will be applied to the oldest periods with a balance due first.
What information is required to use LaTAP?
For immediate access you must provide the following information:
- account number
- tax type
- zip code
- last payment amount
- email address
Once you provide all of this information you will receive an email with an authorization code that will be required to
access LaTAP the first time. If you do not know your last payment amount and/or you do not provide an email address you will have to wait for the authorization code to arrive in the mail. Note: It is recommended that new LaTAP users view the online demonstration video to get an overview of the basic LaTAP functions. View the demo now at:
LaTAP Demo.