Louisiana’s frontline workers can apply for $250 COVID-19 rebates starting July 15
Updated July 13, 2020
July 13, 2020
BATON ROUGE – Eligible Louisiana residents can begin applying this Wednesday for $250 rebates related to essential work performed during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Act 12 of the 2020 First Extraordinary Session of the Louisiana Legislature provides for a one-time rebate for eligible workers earning $50,000 per year or less, who spent at least 200 hours responding to or mitigating the COVID-19 crisis from March 22, 2020, through May 14, 2020.
The Louisiana Department of Revenue (LDR) will accept applications from July 15 through Oct. 31 from workers employed in one of the following essential critical infrastructure jobs on or after March 11, 2020:
- Nurses, assistants, aides, medical residents, pharmacy staff, phlebotomists, respiratory therapists, and workers providing direct patient care in inpatient and outpatient dialysis facilities.
- Housekeeping, laundry services, food services, and waste management personnel in hospitals and healthcare facilities.
- Long-term care facility personnel, outpatient care workers, home care workers, personal assistance providers, home health providers, home delivered meal providers, childcare service providers.
- Emergency medical services (EMS) personnel, fire and rescue personnel, law enforcement personnel, public health epidemiologists.
- Bus drivers; retail fuel center personnel; sanitation personnel; residential, commercial, and industrial solid waste and hazardous waste removal personnel; storage and disposal personnel.
- Grocery store, convenience store, and food assistance program personnel.
- Mortuary service providers.
- Veterinary service staff.
LDR will accept applications online or on a downloadable printed form. However, due to limited funding for the rebate program, eligible workers are encouraged to apply as soon as possible using the online application portal at FrontlineWorkers.la.gov beginning Wednesday, July 15.
Read Revenue Information Bulletin 20-020 for more information.
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