I filed my individual income tax electronically and selected to have my refund deposited directly into my bank account. It has been over 45 days and the money has not been credited. What should I do?
You should review your tax return copy and determine if the bank routing number and account number were entered correctly when you filed your return electronically and based on that information, proceed as follows:
- If you entered your bank routing and bank account number incorrectly and the incorrect numbers matched another valid bank and account number, the refund was deposited into that account. To correct this error, you must work directly with the financial institution to recover your funds. The Federal Reserve Electronic Funds Transfer Act (Regulation E) and the National Automated Clearing House Association guidelines do not allow us to change the bank routing or account numbers that you submitted. To resolve the problem, contact the Customer Service Division at (855) 307-3893 or send an email to [email protected] to obtain documentation of bank name, routing number, account number, refund amount, deposit date, and confirmation number of the electronic deposit. Using this information, your bank will correct the error. If refund was deposited into a bank that is not your personal bank, your bank will assist you and provide contact information for the other financial institution. If the incorrect numbers did not match another valid bank and account, the refund will be rejected and your refund will be mailed to you at your home address.
- If you applied for and received a Refund Anticipation Loan from your tax preparer at the time your tax return was filed, your refund was deposited into the bank account of the financial institution that granted you a refund-anticipation loan according to your loan agreement. If you have questions about the refund deposit, you must contact your tax preparer or the lender.
- You entered the correct bank routing and account number, but did not receive a refund deposit.
- Your refund may have been garnished for other state tax liabilities, federal income tax liabilities, child support debts, or other debts. If your refund was garnished, you will be notified within 60 days of the tax return’s processing.
- Your refund may have been correctly deposited, but you have overlooked it. Electronic deposits are usually posted within a few days of the electronic filing. If you still cannot identify the refund deposit, contact your bank to have the deposit researched. If needed, we can send you a copy of the deposit details and the confirmation number, which confirms that your bank received and accepted the deposit. Contact the Customer Service Division at (855) 307-3893 or by email at [email protected].