I received a notice in the mail from the Department of Public Safety informing me that my driver’s license has been suspended due to nonpayment of taxes. How do I resolve this?
If you have been notified that your driver’s license has been suspended or the Department of Public Safety refuses to issue or renew your driver’s license because you owe individual income tax, you must pay the tax due or enter into an installment payment agreement before LDR will issue a tax clearance letter to you. If the assessment is based on an estimate, you will be required to file an income tax return for the tax period.
Once your tax clearance letter has been issued, you must bring the clearance to the Department of Public Safety, Office of Motor Vehicles, and pay the reinstatement fee before your driver’s l icense will be reinstated or issued.
The income tax can be paid and the clearance obtained from any LDR office.