What sort of sales, transactions or activities require a permit or license?

All special event retailers selling goods, books, or merchandise must have a sales tax account or one can be provided at the event by the on-site state sales tax agents. For raffles, you must register with the Louisiana Department of Revenue - Office of Chartable Gaming (OCG). They are responsible for licensing, monitoring and regulating the charitable gaming industry in Louisiana. Charitable gaming is defined as non-profit organizations raising funds through games of chance where all net proceeds are contributed to bona fide charitable causes. The Office of Charitable Gaming does not license or regulate silent auctions.

Filing Dates

News & Announcements

January 29, 2025

Louisiana state income tax filing begins Wednesday, Jan. 29

Louisiana Department of Revenue (LDR) will begin accepting 2024 state individual income tax returns on Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025.

January 08, 2025

To reduce costs, LDR to cease mailing state sales tax returns to businesses

Louisiana Department of Revenue will cease printing and mailing copies of the Louisiana state sales tax return to businesses registered for sales tax in the state.

December 11, 2024

Tax preparer faces multiple felony fraud charges

A Terrebonne Parish woman faces multiple felony charges for the attempted theft of thousands of dollars in fraudulent state income tax refunds.

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